Happy New Year!
Our brains like opportunities for new beginnings. The feeling of a fresh start can help us get one step closer to being our best selves. In Daniel Pink’s book, When, he talks about how we can start over at any time – every Monday, our birthdays, or the first day of a new season. Once we imbue a day with meaning, we are positioned to begin again feeling invigorated and re-energized.
Nowhere is this more powerful than the start of a new year.
I’ll get this out of the way up front: we’re not talking about New Year’s resolutions here. For me, those have become a marketed and manufactured way of quickly changing things that we may not have liked about ourselves for a long time. That is not how change works. Real change takes time, mental preparation, adopting new behaviors, failing, and then getting back on the wagon.
One impactful strategy to create changes that stick is setting intentional goals to guide your year, that help you move forward in the ways that are important to you.
Setting Annual Goals
Our goals for the year ideally set us up for success both professionally and personally. How do we approach this? By starting with the fundamental question: “What do I want”?
This question is deceivingly simple. First of all, there are many different aspects of our lives to consider. And second, what we want changes over time. Our circumstances change, we have new opportunities, new challenges, our relationships evolve, and WE change. So to feel a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives, we need to continually revisit this question: “What do I want?”
The process I use to set goals helps us to answer that question.
Every year, I set goals across four key areas of my life: career, personal, key relationships, and parenting.
Like the Wheel of Life activity that I talked about last month, which you can use as a year-end reflection exercise to take stock of your life right now (and really, it’s a great tool to take stock of your life at any time when you want to do that), these four areas can be adjusted so they feel right for you.
So for example, if you’re not a parent, you could omit that category altogether, or that category might be more aptly called “care work” if you’re helping with aging parents or other family members.
You also have choices around how to define “personal” goals. Many people set health goals here, but you may also want to set goals around learning, travel, finances, or special experiences you’d like to have.
A great way to start this process of annual goal setting is to ask yourself, “How do I want to feel on December 31, 2024?”
Where do you want to be in your life? What would you like to have happened in your career? For yourself personally? In your key relationships?
This will help guide you to think about what you want to make happen in your life this year.
Achieving Different Types of Goals
The type of goal we set determines how we approach pursuing it.
When setting annual goals, there are two key approaches: backwards planning for 12-week spurts, and habit formation.
Different goals require different strategies.
Say for example, that one of your personal goals is to “get more fit”. How do you intend to do that? Take a weights class? Or run a 5K?
Taking a weights class is more about habit formation. Running a 5K requires backwards planning. I’ll explain…but first- let’s talk about the importance of WHEN and routines.
Living the Process
When we think about a goal, such as “getting more fit”, we’re talking about an outcome. And we should start there. The result is what we’re after. The result also helps us measure whether we’ve achieved the goal.
How we work towards our goal, however, is actually about changing our lifestyle. It’s about how we spend our time, and WHEN we are doing the things we need to do to achieve our goal.
So if we want to get fit, this means we are spending a portion of our days exercising. That’s the lifestyle we’re choosing. We’re exercising often. To do that consistently, we need to know WHEN we are exercising. Without that time earmarked, we will fail.
So are you exercising in the morning at 7:00am 3 times a week? In the evening at 5:30 four times a week? Without this specificity around timing, you cannot “live your goal”.
Living the process also means focusing on the silver lining when we’re doing something that we don’t want to do or find difficult.
The more we can embrace the process, and find ways to enjoy it, the more likely we are to achieve success.
So getting more fit actually ends up meaning “Finding a way to enjoy exercising Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:00am”. There it is.
Other goals are similar. Leading your team towards more effective communication means setting aside the time to do that regularly. So it could look like “weekly team meetings” and “one on one meetings with my direct reports” and “two retreats as a whole team per year”.
You do not just “have effective communication”. You spend part of your days actually communicating with others and helping them to learn how to communicate more effectively as well.
You get the idea.
Ok, so let’s talk about our 2 key strategies: Backwards planning and Habit formation.
Backwards Planning
Again, let’s take this goal of “getting more fit”. We’re all familiar with SMART goals. What are the specific action steps you’ll take to achieve this goal? And how will you measure whether you’re achieving it?
Let’s say your approach to getting more fit is to run a 5K. That goal is specific, and it’s measurable. It’s also attainable, and if you decide to run the 5K in June, and you sign up for it, now it’s timebound. Check. Check. Check. It’s a SMART goal.
There’s a lot written about approaching goals in 12-week chunks, or quarters, or seasons. (While some goals take longer than 12 weeks to achieve, we can still approach our goals this way and reinvest in a second quarter when we need to.) When we backwards plan, we’re figuring out when – which quarter or month – we want to achieve the smaller objectives that help us to reach our overall goal.
So for running a 5K in May, we would plot our progress milestones as looking something like:
Q1: Jan: Sign up for the race; build training plan; join the gym; find an accountability partner
Q1: Feb: Begin training plan of 3 days cardio/ 2 days strength/ 2 days rest
Q1: Mar: Continue training plan; increase run/ walk progression times
Q2: Apr: Continue training plan and increase run/ walk progression; check out course map
Q2 May: Run 5K
We’d use the same approach if our goal was to “Launch a new initiative by September”.
Our milestones might look something like:
Q1: Assemble team and assign roles; build out processes and timeline for successful launch; begin building out service offerings
Q2: Finish building out service offerings; get feedback from users; make updates to services
Q3: Soft launch in July; course correct in August; launch in September
But let’s say our goal of “getting more fit” is to engage in weightlifting for health. Backwards planning may not make as much sense here. To achieve this type of goal, we need to think about habit formation.
Habit Formation
When we want to create a new habit, just like with any new behavior, we need to know when we’re going to engage in our habit.
The habit needs to be set up similar to a SMART goal – it needs to be specific and measurable, and we need to know how often we’re engaging in the behavior.
So again, let’s take our example of lifting weights. Stated as a SMART goal, it could look like “Lift weights for 45 minutes 3 times a week.” This goal is ongoing. Unlike with backwards planning, we won’t be changing our behaviors too much each quarter. We might work out different body parts when we lift, or we may lift heavier weights. But unlike with our 5K, there is no end date to our behavior. So the “T” for the Timeline aspect, or by when, does not apply. We will lift weights every week. Period.
What is crucial with habits is knowing exactly when we will do the behavior each day or each week.
Knowing WHEN is essential. If you ask someone who has a well ingrained habit going when they do the behavior, they will be able to answer without much thought:
When do you meditate? “Right after I wake up.”
How do you eat enough vegetables? “I have a salad every day for lunch”
When do you work on your job search? “Every Saturday afternoon, and I set up two networking coffees each week.”
How do you create effective communication with your team? “We meet as a team every Monday from 11:00-12:00, as well as sporadically throughout the week, and I have weekly 1:1 meetings with each of my direct reports.”